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News from Across the Pond.

Thatcher For Today

Thatcher For Today

Margaret Thatcher’s economic policies may not have been as greatly hated by peers or deemed unsuitable for the time had her term been set in the current period. Here’s looking back at the Iron Lady’s days in power.

Secularism, Politics, and Everything In-between

Secularism, Politics, and Everything In-between

France’s secularism, laicite as it’s called, prohibits the public expression of religion. Democratic rights also include that to blaspheme. So, it wasn’t out of context or an act of destruction when Samuel Paty displayed controversial cartoons to prove this point in his module on freedom of expression.

A Luck-Bound Deterrence

A Luck-Bound Deterrence

If the fiasco of Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren’t enough to steer the world’s attention towards the damage that nuclear weapons could do and the scale of such damage, the 45 years that followed should have served that purpose. The Cold War between the US and erstwhile-USSR (a term

Coups for the Monarchy

Coups for the Monarchy

Britain has a monarch. So does Thailand. But, there’s a key difference between the two which if ignored makes our reading of the two countries drastically misinformed. While the UK’s monarch, the Queen, is its titular head, in Thailand, the story is on the contrary. The latter’s

A Willingness to Return

A Willingness to Return

History lessons often pose students and inquisitive adults alike with a perennial question – ‘why are we learning details about events that happened centuries ago, ones that hold no significance today?’ The simplest answer to these questions goes somewhat along the lines of not repeating the same mistakes as before. We’

Double Whammy for Russia

Double Whammy for Russia

Alexei Navalny and Alexander Lukashenko – these men are at the centre of all focus that Russia receives today. Navalny is nothing like Lukashenko. The latter is an incumbent in his country while the first, an outlaw where he sought to emerge as a political opponent. Lukashenko is ‘friend’ to Putin