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Stories Served, One Cup at a Time.

Shivangi S.

Shivangi is a writer who ardently decodes the evolving socio-cultural and political spaces.

Watching from Afar

Watching from Afar

Europe is closely observing the American election this year. It does not take much to realize that the US-EU relation has been dwindling owing to Trump’s choice of adjectives for the region’s leaders and policies, and the overall lack of consensus over key issues like climate change and

Where’s the Real, Where’s the Unreal?

Where’s the Real, Where’s the Unreal?

The votes might not be wholly counted until Friday. Major swing states like Pennsylvania are still left to be claimed as a victory ground for the Blues or the Reds. By the time you read this, perhaps there would be more clarity about who wins, without any weight being given

All’s Fair that Ends Well

All’s Fair that Ends Well

The Democrats of 2016 were characterized by complacency. They did not regard Donald J. Trump – business tycoon and a ‘brat’ of a man – as a worthwhile contender who could make it to the White House, let alone get a whole term as President. Hillary Clinton and her campaign managers were

Secularism, Politics, and Everything In-between

Secularism, Politics, and Everything In-between

France’s secularism, laicite as it’s called, prohibits the public expression of religion. Democratic rights also include that to blaspheme. So, it wasn’t out of context or an act of destruction when Samuel Paty displayed controversial cartoons to prove this point in his module on freedom of expression.

A Luck-Bound Deterrence

A Luck-Bound Deterrence

If the fiasco of Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren’t enough to steer the world’s attention towards the damage that nuclear weapons could do and the scale of such damage, the 45 years that followed should have served that purpose. The Cold War between the US and erstwhile-USSR (a term

Trials of Yesterday, Trials for Today!

Trials of Yesterday, Trials for Today!

“Inside the bar, it’s like the ‘60s never happened. Outside the bar, the ‘60s were being performed for anyone who looked out of the window.” The Trial of the Chicago 7 is being regarded as a true reflection not just of the past, but of the present state of

Coups for the Monarchy

Coups for the Monarchy

Britain has a monarch. So does Thailand. But, there’s a key difference between the two which if ignored makes our reading of the two countries drastically misinformed. While the UK’s monarch, the Queen, is its titular head, in Thailand, the story is on the contrary. The latter’s

Puerility at its Best

Puerility at its Best

The final debate had Donald Trump making outlandish claims about a lot of things - the economy, his stature as an egalitarian leader, anti-discriminatory approaches, the handling of COVID-19, and much more. But this is nothing new. For one, he’s always been quite a man for exaggeration, loving every

A Willingness to Return

A Willingness to Return

History lessons often pose students and inquisitive adults alike with a perennial question – ‘why are we learning details about events that happened centuries ago, ones that hold no significance today?’ The simplest answer to these questions goes somewhat along the lines of not repeating the same mistakes as before. We’